Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Riding out of the driveway has become quite dangerous. I was riding up and down the driveway waiting for Ty to start a ride. There were plenty of sticks and those pesky, prickly gumballs in the drive from the last rainstorm. While making a turn, the front wheel skidded out and left me lying on the concrete. Skinned the elbow, jammed a rib pretty good. My last fall was in a parking lot when I didn't push off with enough oomph and ended up tipping over. That time I fell to the right, jamming a rib. Yesterday's was to the left. I got off the couch. Now, if I can make it out of the driveway.....

1 comment:

Carrie Beauchamp said...

Steve, You should try Crossfit. ;)